Graphene 1.9.4 update: important notice

Graphene 1.9.4 is now available for update! This update contains one major change so make sure you read about it.

Greetings everyone!

Graphene 1.9.4 is now available for update! This update contains one major change so make sure you read about it here.

The most important change of all is that all shortcodes in the theme have been removed. This is to comply with the requirements by the WordPress Theme Review Team, the gatekeeper of all themes hosted on They have decided that shortcodes are plugin territory, so no themes are allowed to have them.

Previous versions of the Graphene theme contain message blocks and pullquote shortcodes. To ensure your sites are not adversely affected by this change, we have created the [ddownload id=”3403″ style=”link” text=”Graphene Shortcodes”] plugin which you can download and install to continue using the shortcodes. This plugin will be maintained and updated separately as necessary.

Download Graphene Shortcodes plugin

Other than that, the rest of the changes are bug fixes and minor updates. You can read the full changelog here.