Full list of the changes for each version of Franz Josef since its initial release.
Version 1.7.6
- Added: Make franz_stack_posts_meta() pluggable
- Added: Asynchronous Google Fonts loader
- Added: Ensure webfonts remain visible during loading
- Added: Don’t display menu description if it’s longer than certain number of characters
- Added: Option to disable menu description
- Added: Multi-level menu up to 3 levels in mobile view
- Fixed: Don’t initialise Masonry if it’s disabled for the posts stack
- Updated: Bootstrap Hover Dropdown 2.2.1
- Updated: Custom page builder compatibility with block editor
- Updated: Menu Item Custom Fields 1.0.0
Version 1.7.5
- Added: Meta tag for Open Graph social sharing image
- Added: Option to set default Open Graph social sharing image
- Updated: Bootstrap 3.3.7
- Fixed: JS error in Customizer rendering some options not available
Version 1.7.4
- Added: Alt text for the header image
- Fixed: Custom <head> tags option not saving
- Fixed: Images in posts not center-aligned
- Fixed: Missing navigation menu icon field
Version 1.7.3
- Added: Option to disable showing embedded video in posts listing pages
- Added: franz_column_mode filter
- Fixed: Submenu item not clickable if it has further submenu
- Removed: Deprecated theme tags
- Removed: Favicon handling as WordPress Customizer handles favicons natively now
- Removed: pl_PL translation as this translation is being handled through WordPress.org now
Version 1.7.2
- Added: Title & Description options for Mentions Bar
- Added: Option to open links in a new tab for Mentions Bar
- Added: Top Bar text widget now parses shortcodes
- Added: franz_body_start, franz_title_wrap action hook
- Fixed: In This Section page navigation follows the custom order of the pages
- Fixed: Misaligned menu on mobile display
- Fixed: Post navigation includes slider categories posts even when it should be excluded
Version 1.7.1
- Added: Option to hide post date
- Fixed: Disabled hover menu
Version 1.7
- Added: Theme options migrated to WP Customizer
- Added: Option to display front page blog posts in a single column
- Added: Option to disable “In this section” child page navigation in sidebar
- Added: Option to disable sidebar in static posts page
- Added: Submenu now opens up to the side instead of indented under the parent menu
- Added: Navigation menu can now extend to 10 levels deep
- Added: Masonry effect for front page posts list
- Added: French translation by Platypus Geek
- Added: Polish translation by Lukasz Keller
- Added: Russian translation by Pavel Melnikov
- Updated: Slider image height changed from 685px to 500px
- Updated: Bootstrap 3.3.6
- Updated: Font Awesome 4.5.0
- Fixed: the “Leave a reply” link is no longer displayed when comments are disabled for the post
- Fixed: Retain HTML tags in excerpts option not being applied
- Fixed: PHP notices for posts with featured image in “full” size
- Fixed: Custom CSS bug where certain symbols are converted into HTML entities
- Fixed: Inconsistent menu item hover colour changes
- Fixed: “Notice: Undefined index: comments_setting” when Additional Options plugin is not installed
Version 1.6.1
- Added: rel=”nofollow” attribute to footer credit link
Version 1.6
- Added: Custom page builder (Stacks addon) integration
- Added: Smart post image selection. If there’s no featured image, automatically pick the most suitable image from the images uploaded to the post
- Added: Caption for featured image in singular posts
- Added: Previous and Next post links in single post pages
- Added: Canadian French (fr_CA) translation
- Added: Header Menu now drops down when hovered on desktops
- Added: Thank you note after 1 month of using the theme
- Fixed: Padding issues with navigation menu on scroll down
- Fixed: Menu descriptions for dropdown menu items are hidden when user scrolls down the page
- Fixed: PHP notices when using default menu
Version 1.5.1
- Fixed: Layout issue in author page
- Fixed: Infinite Scroll bug on author page
- Fixed: Unxpected T_FUNCTION syntax error in earlier versions of PHP
- Fixed: Missing text strings from translations
Version 1.5
- Added: Option to disable Mentions Bar or show it on the front page, singular pages, or everywhere
- Added: Option to show sidebar in front page
- Added: Layout Shortcodes addon
- Added: Top Bar with customisable layout
- Added: Top Bar Menu, Social Profile Links, and Text widgets
- Added: Custom Menu location for Top Bar
- Added: Menu icons feature
- Added: Menu description feature
- Updated: Smoother navigation bar styling transition when pinned
- Updated: FontAwesome 4.4
Version 1.4.2
- Updated: Theme’s URL to the theme’s page on graphene-theme.com
Version 1.4.1
- Updated: franz-medium image size to 600×300 pixels from 550×300 pixels
- Updated: Posts listing on front page now uses image size that is more appropriate for the column setting
- Updated: Used wp_enqueue_style to properly enqueue Google Fonts
- Fixed: Montserrat font not loaded
- Fixed: Layout issue with Quote and Status post formats
Version 1.4
- Added: Spanish translation by Eduardo Larequi
- Added: Option to use Masonry tiled layout on posts listing pages
- Added: Option to specify number of columns on front page posts
- Added: Option to disable full-width first blog post on front page
- Added: Automatically make large tables responsive
- Added: Option to disable automatic responsive tables
- Added: Masonry layout on posts stack
- Added: Page template – single column
- Added: Page template is now applied on blog posts page
- Added: WP Retina 2x as natively supported plugin
- Added: Description text for taxonomy archive
- Added: Posts with embedded videos now show the video in posts listing
- Added: Hide slider categories option will also hide slider categories from categories listing (eg. Archives widget)
- Added: franz_slider_outer action hook
- Updated: Singular posts will only display featured image if its width is at least as wide as the content area width
- Updated: Hi-DPI Mentions Bar images
- Updated: “View Post” button no longer shown in slider if set to show full content
- Updated: Better WordPress gallery styling
- Updated: Switched to using webfonts hosted by Google rather than locally
- Updated: Various styling improvements
- Updated: Links to theme addons
- Fixed: Bootstrap Carousel not pausing on hover
- Fixed: Author comment label not visible
- Fixed: No featured comment is displayed for author if all the comments are longer than 100 characters
- Fixed: Post titles in non-singular context are wrapped in H1 element
- Fixed: Fetch as Google render issue
Version 1.3
- Added: Proper print stylesheet
- Added: Filter for section menu args
- Added: franz_slide_content and franz_slide_content_outer action hook
- Added: Escaped favicon_url, head styles, and copyright text
- Added: Non-minified version of included scripts
- Added: Fade transition for main slider
- Fixed: “In this section” text missing from translation
- Fixed: Slider height setting not applied
- Fixed: Slider not pausing on hover
- Fixed: Minor styling tweaks
- Fixed: Missing text domain in search.php
- Fixed: Removed error suppression in search.php
- Fixed: Missing text strings from i18n
- Updated: Text domain from “franz” to “franz-josef”
- Updated: Constant prefix from “FJ” to “FRANZ”
- Updated: “medium” image size to “franz-medium”
- Updated: IE-specific scripts loaded via wp_enqueue_script()
- Updated: Prefixed disect_it() and cleaner_caption() functions
- Updated: Removed orphaned franz_highlight_p() function
- Updated: Applied $wpdb->prepare() for franz_get_comment_count()
- Updated: Removed images used only during development
- Updated: Chosen 1.4.2
- Updated: Bootstrap 3.3.4
- Removed: Plugin territory – comments options
- Removed: Plugin territory – user alternate avatar option
Version 1.2.1
- Added: Additional Microformats structured data markup to avoid dependence on visible content
- Fixed: Posts listing block width for small viewports
- Fixed: Registered post formats support for “quote” and “status”
Version 1.2
- Added: Footer Menu location
- Added: Note in the theme’s About page and readme.txt about menu locations dropdown levels limit
- Added: esc_url() and esc_attr() in numerous locations to properly escape strings
- Fixed: Removed social icons markup if there is no social icons specified in the settings
- Fixed: Non-breaking text
- Fixed: Styling issues for WordPress core widgets
- Fixed: “Leave a Reply” links to non-existent #comments ID attribute
- Fixed: Empty bio text area in author’s page when author has no bio text
Version 1.1
- Added: Option to show excerpt or full content in slider
- Added: Option to remove automatic search widget in sidebar
- Added: Styling for pullquotes in Graphene Shortcodes plugin
- Added: Hebrew translation
- Added: Main menu and site title / logo will automatically switch to full container width and centered if they are too wide. Site title will also be hidden when user scrolls down.
- Added: Default menu to list all pages if no custom menu assigned
- Added: ID attribute for slider items
- Added: More stringent validation for Custom CSS option as per WPTRT requirement
- Added: “About Franz Josef” tab in options page containing useful information for the theme’s users.
- Added: Option to disable featured image on single post page
- Fixed: A few styling issues
- Fixed: Marked a few more strings for translations
- Fixed: References to Graphene theme
- Fixed: Copyright text option not saving
- Fixed: Depth-3 submenu alignment in RTL sites
- Fixed: Front page posts pagination not working
- Fixed: PHP notice in author bio email
- Fixed: Long overflowing text in sidebar widget
- Fixed: JS error related to CodeMirror script
- Fixed: Missing strings from translation file
- Fixed: Replaced all instances of get_the_permalink() with get_permalink()
- Fixed: Options tabs names not translated
- Fixed: Minor RTL style update
- Fixed: CodeMirror text alignment for RTL languages
- Fixed: Replaced deprecated function $wpdb->escape() with esc_sql()
- Fixed: Front page posts listing not using WordPress posts per page settings
- Fixed: Language files not loaded
- Updated: FontAwesome 4.3.0
- Updated: Slider image is now a background image that covers the entire slider
- Updated: CodeMirror 5.0
- Updated: Featured image is now set to soft proportional crop instead of hard crop
- Updated: POT language file
- Removed: Subscribe to future comments checkbox as this will be implemented in the future
- Removed: Footer menu location as there isn’t one and this feature can be achieved using footer widgets
Version 1.0
- Initial release