Feature Highlight

GM Neo 1.8 update: touch slider, pinned navbar, and more

Greetings everyone! Today we are releasing the latest update to Graphene Mobile Neo, version 1.8. This latest version adds a couple new features: touch-enabled slider and pinned navigation bar as visitors scroll down the page. On top of that, we’ve also fixed a few bugs, including a longstanding one related to the sensitivity of the […]

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GM Neo 1.5 is now available!

Selectively enable or disable plugins when your site is viewed on mobile devices with this latest iteration of Graphene Mobile Neo.

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Feature Highlights: Swipe gesture, responsive tables

Swipe gestures action, responsive tables, much-improved infinite scroll feature, and other small but significant improvements make the premium Graphene Mobile Neo theme even better.

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Feature Highlight: Infinite scroll, better colour presets management

We’re glad to announce another premium feature addition to Graphene Mobile Neo, infinite scroll. On top of that, we’re also announcing a much sought-after feature enhancement to the colour presets available in the theme: you can now save, delete, export, and import the theme’s colour presets. With infinite scrolling, you’ll be able to retain visitors […]

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Feature Highlight: Slide-out Panel

Today we are announcing another premium feature addition to Graphene Mobile Neo, the slide-out panel. If you’ve ever used the Facebook app for iOS or Android, or the Google+ app, you’ll be familiar with the slide-out panel. It’s the panel that slides out from the left hand side of those apps at the touch of […]

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Child theme functionality with Graphene Mobile

Child themes are great. They allow you to customise a parent theme without ever needing to edit the parent theme’s files. However, due to the way most mobile theme switcher plugins work, you can’t use child theme with Graphene Mobile the way you usually can with standard desktop themes. This is because the child theme […]

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